Despite having no training in animation (you can probably tell) I drew and animated this webseries, which was co-written with my friend Matt Koff.

The premise of the series was this: two office drones are stuck in a 9 AM Meeting that no one else has bothered to attend. It seems clear that everyone else has forgotten they’re there, but our heroes are too timid to leave, so they’re forced to make absurd small talk, which is then visualized on screen. Imagine Waiting for Godot meets The Office meets Dr. Katz.

To produce the series, Matt and I would spend about 45 minutes improvising a conversation, which I’d then edit down to a 3-5 minute audio track. Then we’d brainstorm visuals, which I would draw, stringing together the stills into what was basically a glorified animatic.

Despite its low-fi quality, the show proved successful, being one of the longest series featured at Channel 101 NY (a live screening show where the audience would vote on their favorite shorts to dictate which series would continue and which would get “canceled”), and a slightly re-edited compilation of a few episodes won “Best Animation” at the 2010 NY Television Festival, with a cash prize and a development deal from MTV, which ultimately went nowhere, but was pretty cool, nonetheless.